Friday, June 30, 2006


I now have "pregnancy rash" all over my arms and a little bit on my legs. It's not too bad, but itches like CRAZY! I wake up in the middle of the night just scratching away at it.

Anyone else get this wonderful side effect of pregnancy?! LoL...when the nurse told me it was "pregnancy related" I wanted to scream, "ANYTHING ELSE?!" LoL...


Kerry said...

Oh no! That sounds like what my SIL had with her first baby and her 8th...something called PUPPPS if I remember right. Good news, delivery will clear it up! Bad news, you have to wait until you deliver to get any sort of relief. I hope you're not too miserable these last few weeks!

Erin Bennett said...

I had it on my legs, but it wasn't super itchy. I was just glad it was winter because it was ugly. I'm three and a half months past delivery, and I still have "it's pregnancy related" said about things! For one, I am losing hair in droves. Lucky for me, I have lots of hair, so I can't tell a difference on my head. My shower is another story....